Mar 1, 2013

Using Flex and Bison with Qt

Flex and Bison, the first is a lexical analyzer generator, and the the second a parser generator, two useful tools for making programs that reacts to a data input with a predefined structure and language, for example, we can make compilers, script interpreters and command line parsers.
This is not aimed to be a tutorial of Flex and Bison, if you want to learn how to use this programs I encourage reading their respective manuals, but a simple example on how to integrate these to Qt.

Project file setup

First, we must add the libraries where are defined some symbols and functions of Flex and Bison.
LIBS += -lfl -ly
Later, we will create two custom variables in which we will add the path to their respective files, then you must add these variables to the OTHER_FILES variable to make it editable in Qt Creator.

Flex and Bison must generate the source code of the lexer and the parser before our program's compilation, for that purpose we will use the QMAKE_EXTRA_COMPILERS variable, if you want to know more about these special variables you must read this wonderful article.
flexsource.input = FLEXSOURCES
flexsource.output = ${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}.cpp
flexsource.commands = flex --header-file=${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}.h -o ${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}.cpp ${QMAKE_FILE_IN}
flexsource.variable_out = SOURCES = Flex Sources ${QMAKE_FILE_IN}
flexsource.CONFIG += target_predeps


flexheader.input = FLEXSOURCES
flexheader.output = ${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}.h
flexheader.commands = @true
flexheader.variable_out = HEADERS = Flex Headers ${QMAKE_FILE_IN}
flexheader.CONFIG += target_predeps no_link


bisonsource.input = BISONSOURCES
bisonsource.output = ${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}.cpp
bisonsource.commands = bison -d --defines=${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}.h -o ${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}.cpp ${QMAKE_FILE_IN}
bisonsource.variable_out = SOURCES = Bison Sources ${QMAKE_FILE_IN}
bisonsource.CONFIG += target_predeps


bisonheader.input = BISONSOURCES
bisonheader.output = ${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}.h
bisonheader.commands = @true
bisonheader.variable_out = HEADERS = Bison Headers ${QMAKE_FILE_IN}
bisonheader.CONFIG += target_predeps no_link


Lexer setup

Here's a Flex file chunk with the most important explanation.
// In this section we can add all needed headers, from Qt or another libraries.
#include <QtScript>

// Also, we must add the parser's header where are defined the tokens.
#include "parser.h"


 /* Parse intiger numbers */
-?[0-9]+ {
    // yyval is a variable created by Flex, which we can return the parsed
    // value.
    // yytext is another variable created by Flex that contains the text to
    // parse.
    yylval.QVariant_t = new QVariant();
    *yylval.QVariant_t = QString(yytext).toInt();

    return TOK_INTIGER;


Parser setup

And here we have, a chunk of the parser.
#include <QtGui>

// yylex is a function generated by Flex and we must tell to Bison that it is
// defined in other place.
extern int yylex(void);

// Bison uses the yyerror function for informing us when a parsing error has
// occurred.
void yyerror(const char *s);

// Here we define our custom variable types.
// Custom types must be of fixed size.
%union {
    QVariant *QVariant_t;

// Define the terminal expression types.
%token <QVariant_t> TOK_INTIGER

// Define the non-terminal expression types.
%type <QVariant_t> variantListItems


variantListItems: variant {
                      // $$ is a reference to variantListItems that is a
                      // QVariant.
                      $$ = new QVariant();

                      QVariantList variantList;

                      // $1, $2, $3, ..., $N are references to each expression.
                      // $1 is a QVariant.
                      variantList << *$1;

                      *$$ = variantList;
                | variantListItems TOK_COMMA variant {
                      $$ = new QVariant();

                      QVariantList variantList($1->toList());

                      variantList << *$3;

                      *$$ = variantList;


void yyerror(const char *s)
    qDebug() << "error:" << s;

Add the parsers to our program

The last step is to add the headers and use the generated parsers.
#include <QtCore>

// Add the headers generated by Flex and Bison.
#include "lexer.h"
#include "parser.h"

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QCoreApplication app(argc, argv);

    // Let test the parser with this input.
    QString str("{'one': 1,"
                "\"two\": '2',"
                "\"'3'\": [3.14, 10, [7, 8], \"\\\"quoted string\\\"\"],"
                "'4': size(640, 480),"
                "'date': dateTime(date(2013, 2, 27), time(12, 0)),"
                "'number count': {'1': 1, '2': 2, '3': 3}}");

    // Bison take the standard input (command line) as input.
    // yy_scan_string will switch the input to a string.
    YY_BUFFER_STATE bufferState = yy_scan_string(str.toUtf8().constData());

    // Parse the string.

    // and release the buffer.

    return app.exec();
Finally, the output will be some thing like this:
    QVariantMap, QMap
        ( "one" ,  QVariant(int, 1) )
        ( "two" ,  QVariant(QString, "2") )
            "'3'", QVariant
                    QVariant(float, 3.14) , 
                    QVariant(int, 10) , 
                        QVariantList, (QVariant(int, 7) ,  QVariant(int, 8) ) 
                    ) , 
                    QVariant(QString, ""quoted string"")
        ( "4" ,  QVariant(QSize, QSize(640, 480) ) )
            "date" ,  QVariant
                QDateTime, QDateTime("mié feb 27 12:00:00 2013")
            "number count" ,  QVariant
                QVariantMap, QMap
                    ( "1", QVariant(int, 1) )
                    ( "2", QVariant(int, 2) )
                    ( "3", QVariant(int, 3) )
You can download the full source code of the example from my github.
PD: BTW, if you paid attention to the source code, there are a memory leaks in the program, I will left you the job of solving it ;)

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