First at all we will create a script that points to the Qt5 installation directory. We will install all the Qt5 tools in the /opt/qt5.
export QTDIR=/opt/qt5 export PATH=$QTDIR/bin:$PATH export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$QTDIR/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATHThen create one folder for the Qt5 package, and other for the Qt Creator package and copy this to both folders.
In the Qt5 package folder create a PKGBUILD with the following content:
pkgrealname=qt5 pkgname=$pkgrealname-git pkgver=20121006 pkgrel=1 groups=('qt5') pkgdesc="A cross-platform application and UI framework" arch=('i686' 'x86_64') url="" license=('GPL3' 'LGPL') depends=('libxcb' 'xcb-proto' 'xcb-util' 'xcb-util-image' 'xcb-util-keysyms' 'xcb-util-renderutil' 'xcb-util-wm' 'libedit' 'libwebp') makedepends=('git' 'perl' 'gperf' 'fontconfig') options=('!libtool') provides=('qt5') conflicts=('qt5') source=() md5sums=() _gitroot="git://" _gitname=qt5 build() { cd "$srcdir" . ../qt.profile if [ -e "${_gitname}" ]; then cd ${_gitname} git submodule foreach --recursive "git clean -dfx" git pull git submodule update --recursive else git clone ${_gitroot} cd ${_gitname} perl init-repository fi ./configure --prefix=/opt/qt5 \ -opensource \ --confirm-license \ -silent \ -continue make -j $(grep -c "^processor" /proc/cpuinfo) } package() { install -Dm755 "../qt.profile" "${pkgdir}"/etc/profile.d/ cd "${srcdir}/${_gitname}" make INSTALL_ROOT="${pkgdir}" install }Then, build and install the package with:
makepkg -siBe careful, building all Qt5 modules takes around 9 hs to complete, do it early in the morning.
The last step is to create the package for Qt Creator. In the Qt Creator package folder create a PKGBUILD with the following content:
pkgname=qt5creator-git pkgver=20121009 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="Qt Creator is a new cross-platform integrated development environment (IDE) tailored to the needs of Qt developers." arch=('i686' 'x86_64') url="" license=('LGPL') depends=('qt5') makedepends=('git') provides=('qt5creator-git') conflicts=('qt5creator-git') source=() md5sums=() _gitroot="git://" _gitname="qt-creator" build() { cd "$srcdir" . ../qt.profile if [ -e "${_gitname}" ]; then cd ${_gitname} git pull origin else git clone ${_gitroot} cd ${_gitname} fi if [ ! -e "build" ]; then mkdir build fi cd build /opt/qt5/bin/qmake QT_PRIVATE_HEADERS=/opt/qt5/include ../ make -j $(grep -c "^processor" /proc/cpuinfo) } package() { cd "${srcdir}/${_gitname}/build" make INSTALL_ROOT="${pkgdir}/opt/qt5" install }Then, build and install the package with:
makepkg -siThat's all. It's easy, no?
WAW vaya curro que te has metido. ;-). Ayer regresé a Arch y vaya sorpresa Qt5 en AUR :-) A ver si pronto está sin tener que compilar, jejeje.
Y no me quedo otra opción :P, en el momento que hice el tutorial los paquetes de AUR estaban desactualizados y faltaban un montón de módulos, y yo quería probar Qt5 full, full. Ahora por suerte ya actualizaron los paquetes :)
DeleteImagino que, ahora que acaba de salir Qt5, tardarán 1 o 2 meses en meterlo extra, pero seguro que lo tenemos antes de KDE 5.
viste mi mail sobre Qmysql. Me tiene desesperado. ¿pudiste compilarlo para Arch y Qt5?